Before & After POP: Carly's Personal Transformation

from the heart hormone health power of periodization Mar 22, 2021


(Left picture) July 2019

  • Chronically stressed & inflamed
  • Overworking
  • Overexercising
  • Missing/irregular periods
  • Restricted food/Fasting
  • Food & drinking binges
  • Food intolerances (hives)
  • Ance, bloating, no muscle tone, mood swings
  • Depressed & anxious always
  • Social life impacted (I was beyond self conscious about my weight)
  • Always thinking about weight loss
  • Always thinking about my next meal
  • Imposter syndrome - A health coach helping others improve their lives but I wasn't practicing what I was preaching.

(Right picture) Feb 2021

  • Setting work boundaries
  • Exercising & eating according to 4 phases
  • Food freedom & regular eating schedule (eating blood sugar balanced meals & until I am satiated)
  • Consistent painless & PMS-free periods *like clockwork!
  • Clearer skin, muscle tone improvements, stable mood
  • Being much more social, even while drinking less alcohol
  • Relaxing more, honoring rest
  • So much happier & content with my life
  • Confidence (that I've been missing since college)
  • Always thinking about what I am grateful for
  • Always thinking about the positives in my life
  • Living & speaking my TRUTH

The weight that I shed was physical but mostly MENTAL. I had to find myself again by investing time, consistent effort, & money in my health. I had to put my foot down and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I need to not only get help but to start practicing what I preach!!

  1. I hired an energy healer (read my journey here)
  2. I got my hormones tested & worked with a functional med to find root cause of imbalances (which was due to 10 years of being on hormonal birth control and quitting cold turkey!)
  3. I committed to living a lifestyle that supported the 4 phases of my cycle in a balanced, sustainable and healthy way.


Over time, I began to heal. I got my period more consistently, painless & PMS-free! I started to find myself again. I gained great new habits & developed positive routines. I looked in the mirror and actually started to appreciate my progress & felt grateful for my incredible body.

Oh and the weight came off WITHOUT me obsessing over the scale!

And this all happened because I decided that I WAS DONE SUFFERING. If you are like the 2019 me, you must be sick of suffering too...AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE. 

  • You might need a support team or coach.
  • You might need positive, healthy & reputable science-backed guidance (not just articles or blogs you read on the internet.)
  • You might need a plan full of abundance rather than restriction.
  • You might need to finally commit to YOURSELF.

Our POP program changed MY life and now it IS my life. Everything I do, say, think, feel happens with my hormonal fluctuations in mind!

The same goes for Alaina & Julie. Which is why we are so passionate about getting this info out to menstruators everywhere. 

We know it can help you get to where you want to be over time and become a lifestyle for you, too. Our goal is to help you live a life that supports your body on a daily basis, long after our 4 months together.

We can promise you this: you will never go back to your old lifestyle or mentality after this program (that's the definition of "life-changing").

Let us help you shed your mental weight and old ways of thinking about your body and your cycle.

We love you. Let's work together.



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