On the Blog

Meal-Prep Ideas For Traveling May 03, 2020

AND IM OFF AGAIN Lake Tahoe, Boston, Beverly Hills, Costa Rica..This 2019 has been insane already and I feel like I’ve been on the road everyday [Of course, feeling grateful for the...

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What is Matcha? | Quick FAQs May 03, 2020

We get so many Q’s about “that green shiz” in our cup. So let's talk matcha yallllll.

What the HECK is matcha? -It’s green tea leaves, grounded into fine powder

What are...

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Panty Droppers with a side of Mint Tea May 01, 2020
New favorite combo... tea & cookies on a rainy Sunday. We ended up making the PANTY DROPPERS for friends & family last night, with a small twist. We’re not home, so instead of the...
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The Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen | What fruits & veggies to buy organic May 01, 2020
Navigating the aisles of the grocery store is overwhelming enough, now we have to worry about what foods are best to buy organic or conventional? We get it, it can be tough to remember and it...
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How Indoor House Plants Can Purify Your Home May 01, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency found that indoor air can be anywhere from 2 to 5 times as polluted as outdoor air. Pollution in and around your home can be a scary thought...but it's time...

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Carly's Post Birth Control Story May 01, 2020
While completing our health coaching certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, one of the guest speaker lectures, functional nutritionist and women's hormone expert Alisa Vitti...
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Primally Pure Nontoxic Skincare | Our Favorites Apr 24, 2020

If you know us Balanced Beyar gals well, then you know that we care about what we put on the biggest organ of our bodies, our SKIN. Each of us personally have been using Primally Pure's...

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Coconut Quarantine Margarita Apr 03, 2020

It's 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE Happy birthday to meeeeeeee! 

If you know me well, you know how much I love the coconut margs from Loco Taqueria & Oyster Bar in South...

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